Quarantine Kit for Kids

If you are home with kids in quarantine, you are probably trying to add some fun activities, games, projects, crafts, etc to your “home school” day. To make things a little easier for you, I put together a mini kids quarantine kit with some educational activities, crafts, and games to keep your little ones busy enough that you might be able to check your inbox or use the bathroom!

Highlights Preschool Big Fun Book / Paint Kit / USA Puzzle / Card Games / Wood Easter Egg Kit / Arts and Crafts Library / Weather and Calendar Activity Poster / Kids Science Experiments Book

These Highlights workbooks are great educational activities for preschoolers. You can keep them busy and learning!

Paints are always fun for kids! Paint paper, rocks, or anything else. Also, these are washable!

My kids love a good puzzle and the USA map one is fun for learning too!

Card games are always a big hit! This one has 6 card games in a pack.

With Easter coming up, I thought these wood eggs are a fun craft to do with your kids! It comes with paint too.

If you’re not craft, this Arts and Craft Library has just about everything you need to create something Pinterest worthy!

This Calendar and Weather activity poster is great for home schooling. Teach you kids about weather and days of the week.

My boys love science experiments. This is a big book full of them! Pick a new one each day!

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